Last week the national daily The Independent announced that it would discontinue its print editions, going entirely on-line. As the economics of serious newspaper journalism become increasingly non-viable it is unlikely to be the last such casualty. By coincidence in my annual clear out I came across the collection of… read more →
From a splendid auditorium to the intimacy of numerous small workshops and seminars the infrastructure offered by the annual media arts event, Transmediale is one of the few examples of a media arts project that has not either disappeared or sold its soul to the “creative industries” meme. This year,… read more →
Eric Kluitenberg and I have been working on Tactical Media Connections, a project that contains a number of projects including a publication (an Anthology of Tactical Media) and a series of exhibitions. As Tactical Media Connections we are invited to Transmediale 2016 in Berlin. Tactical Media Connections project Just before… read more →