From a splendid auditorium to the intimacy of numerous small workshops and seminars the infrastructure offered by the annual media arts event, Transmediale is one of the few examples of a media arts project that has not either disappeared or sold its soul to the “creative industries” meme. This year,… read more →
In an expanding universe, time is on the side of the outcast. Those who once inhabited the suburbs of human contempt find that without changing their address they eventually live in the metropolis. — Quentin Crisp, The Naked Civil Servant. Although the drive for mass participation has been at… read more →
Conversation with Marcel Mars about his project Public Library . The Artist/hacker Marcel Mars agues that the concept of the public library is right up there with public education, public health care and the scientific method as a both a great achievement and social good to which almost everybody subscribes to… read more →
“Claims about ‘horizontalism’ and the use of terms such as ‘leaderlessness’ to describe the nature of contemporary revolutionary politics…are” declares Paolo Gerbaudo in a recent posting entitled Roots of the Coup, “..empirically flawed”. But are we ready for such a definitive conclusion? In a public discussion at the LSE in 2012… read more →