The Volkswagen case reminded me of case study (more of an anecdote really) related by the distinguished Sociologist the late Ulrich Beck. It was a story he told to illustrate the process of institutionalised denial by which some organisations seek to mis-manage a new era of risk. The story is… read more →
Sean Cubitt, Professor of Film and Television at Goldsmiths in the third of a series of conversations with leading researchers designed to take stock twenty years after the launch of the British experiment to introduce of research and doctoral programs into art schools. Sean’s research into visual technologies, media art… read more →
Between 15th and 18th the Post Media Lab (a collaboration between Leuphana University and Mute Magazine) are concluding the first phase of their collaboration with a workshop designed to address fundamental changes in processes of archiving and the care of objects… The workshop is testing the limits or archival practice, sometimes seeking to extend (or… read more →
One of the unintended consequences of the grand experiment incorporating colleges of art and design into universities, were the different kinds of opportunities and pressures on academic staff who suddenly found themselves part of Russell Group Universities. In this interview with two leading researchers at Winchester College of Art, Ryan Bishop,… read more →
Professor Stephen Scrivener has long been at the forefront of the incorporation of practice lead research and doctoral programs into the art school. In the first of a series of in depth interviews with leading researchers we took the opportunity to take stock 20 years after the experiment began when… read more →
We do not yet know the future of research funding for the arts and humanities in the UK. But the likelihood is that a new regime will emerge that will be more experimental in how it builds partnerships both inside and outside of the academy. One possible direction of travel… read more →